Thursday, July 8, 2010

scoring complete

Thank you everyone who voted; the scoring is complete and I wait until I hear something back from Threadless. They will review over 300 top designs and pick which ones they want to print.

I really don't think I scored high enough to get printed. So I will have to wait....wait....and wait! I hope they put me out of my misery soon! :|


Monday, July 5, 2010

fantastic feedback

Getting some fantastic feedback from the Threadless community on my design "unequivocal love". It's great how artists from a different medium can be very supportive. The design I submitted to Threadless was the first; if it doesn't get printed I've gotten valuable input for future designs.

Thanks to all; only 3 days left to vote! I'm going to be very nervous this Thursday!

unequivocal love - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
